Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Day 24-26

Day 24-26
July 15, 2008
Current Location: Ignace, ON

The last couple of days have been gone pretty smoothly. So smoothly that I can’t think of anything that really happened that is really particularly interesting. The weather has been fairly eclectic. At some points it was really sunny and at others it felt like it was raining cats and umm... bricks. We’ve been getting quite a dose of sun, rain, lighting and wind. Luckily, we haven’t experienced a freak snow storm yet.

I got my first experience with black flies (aka Simulium Yahense) when we passed the Ontario borders. I was briefly out of the car stretching when all of a sudden a swarm of them tried to eat me alive. It was like they were flies crossbred with piranhas. After trying to brush them off I quickly ran back into the van and closed the windows. After closing the windows they still tried to get into the van. They kept on flying into the windows even when I was going 30 km/hour. I guess that they were hungry for Chinese (worst joke ever). I very much dislike flying insects that bite. As you can probably assume, after my first encounter with them, I’m not particularly fond of anything from the Simuliidae family of the Culicomorpha infraorder.

The terrain in Ontario is quite a bit of a change to the prairies. Lots of hills, trees and rocks. The drivers in Ontario have been fairly good so far. A lot more friendly then I was expecting.

Currently we are in a small town called Ignace in Ontario. We're staying in a campground/laundromat. The owners of the place seem to be really nice. We’re also camping with a fellow biker that we met yesterday in Dryden tonight.

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