Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Day 43

Day 43
Date: Augest 1st, 2008
Current Location: Ottawa

Today we traveled from Haley Station, Ont. to Gatineau, Que. I spent a good chunk of the day (sort of) relaxing in the van while Brett drove the van. The drive into the city itself was fairly interesting. We went through a couple of smaller roads that had substantially less traffic compared to the highway. As we entered Gatineau we found some pretty good bike paths that went throughout the city. Brett and I split from the Kelly and Vanessa when we reached the bike path. It’s somewhat frowned upon for a giant van to be on narrow paths meant for cyclists and pedestrians. After the biking was done for the day we stayed with Joanne Luu and Britney Earl, a pair of really awesome UofL alumni’s, for the night in Ottawa.

I’m feeling kind of sick today. I’m not really 100% sure why. I think that it might have been due to something that I ate from the Ark themed restaurant or it could be due to my overall poor diet on the bike trip. It’s probably not that good to have Chef Boyardee as a major staple of my diet.

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