Day 0-3
On Thursday, we spent a good portion of the night driving from Lethbridge to Victoria. We

started from around 6pm and we were in Victoria by 11am. It was the first time that I’ve ever really been to and driven in B.C. I’ve never seen so many trees in my life. After the drive we had lunch with some past alumni of the UofL. Following that we went to Mile 0 in Victoria and officially started the trip. On the first day we had a ridiculous amount of setbacks. Now that I think about it it’s kind of funny in regards to the sheer amount of bad luck that we had. Kelly went on a wrong ferry, I took a wrong turn and got lost on the highways of B.C and we stayed in the most sketchiest motel that I’ve ever been in my life (people were yelling about the nature of cats and their were cigarette burns in the bed sheets). Excluding all of that so far the trip had been pretty fun.
Yesterday we traveled from Surrey to Chilliwack. We took Highway 1 for a bit and then we used a bunch of back roads to get there. The back roads were really nice to drive through. For

someone that was raised in Lethbridge, it was a freakishly large amount of greenery. After getting to Chilliwack we tried to find a campsite but we couldn’t find one that was a reasonable
distance from the city that was still open so we ended up sleeping inside the van in front of a Wal-Mart. I was surprised to find out that it’s apparently a common practice for people to lodge in front of Wal-Mart’s with R.V’s. We all got a pretty good night’s sleep.
This morning while everyone else was still asleep in the van, I went for a walk around Chilliwack. The city has some really nice views of the mountains and I really enjoyed the fresh air. I've taken a whole bunch of pictures of B.C and of "Gnome Chomsky" .
1 comment:
Hey! I just came up with a question!! How much clothes did you guys bring, where do you shower and how do you wash our clothes??
Great job Alan! I look forward to following you guys' trip with interest! SO PROUD to be from UofL!!
Can't wait to see you guys in August!
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