Saturday, August 16, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Day 48 (with Cows)
Current Location: Trois-Riviéres
Date: August 6th, 2008
In all honesty nothing really that particularly interesting happened today. Today we traveled from Joliette to Trois-Riviéres. Brett spent most of the day driving while I chilled in the passage seat. The only thing that I found memorable about the day was seeing some cows on the highway. Here is a video of said cows with Gnome Chomsky.
Day 46 & 47
Current Location: Ottawa
Date: August 5th, 2008
We've spent the last two days resting and sightseeing in Montreal and in Ottawa. Yesterday we spent the day visiting Montreal. We visited a couple of old historic buildings and went into some pretty interesting shops. I was in awe by some of the architecture that we saw in Old Montreal. I’ve never seen so many old and historic buildings in my life before. In the afternoon we met up with Jamie, a recent UofL graduate. He showed us more of the city and at the end of the day he ended up making us dinner. Following dinner, we drove back into Ottawa to spend the night at Joanne and Britney’s apartment again.
The next day, Kelly and I did some sightseeing in Ottawa. We visited Parliament and the
In the evening, Kelly, Brett, Vanessa and I went to an alumni event that was organized by Joanne. To our amazement, the event had a pretty good turnout. I wasn’t really expecting much of a turnout because about a week before the event I got an email from Joanne that said that only one person had sent an R.S.V.P. The highlight of the night for me was when, my friend, Kendall gave me a bag of rice as a present.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Day 45
Date: August 3rd, 2008
Current Location: Montreal
Today we traveled from Lachute to a city called Joliette. The drive, like it has been for the last couple of days, went fairly smooth. After we were done biking for the day we headed off to Montreal to do some sightseeing. After a bit of a drive we finally reached Montreal. We tried to find a place to stay for the night in the downtown area but we couldn’t seem to find anywhere that had vacancies. We did technically find one place that had a room but they wanted a absurd money for it. We ended up staying in a somewhat cheap motel on the outskirts of the city. By the time that we had reached the motel we were all dead tired. We ended up spending our first night in Montreal watching the movie Crank in the motel room.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Day 44
Current Location: Lachute, Que.
Date: Augest 2nd, 2008
Today we traveled from Gatineau to a small town called Lachute. To my amazement the traffic was moderately tame and the roads were fairly well kept. The highway even surprisingly had a designated lane for cyclists. The designated lane for cyclists was pretty much just a glorified shoulder but it was really nice none the less. The drive today would have been really fantastic if it wasn’t for the copious amount of rain. Kelly and Vanessa were both fairly drenched by the rain.
When we reached Lachute, we ended up staying at a motel for the first time since Surrey B.C. Kelly and I ended up making rice in the motel room because nothing seemed to be open that was in walking distance and because we're both becoming fairly broke. I miss having a disposable income.
Day 43
Date: Augest 1st, 2008
Current Location: Ottawa
Today we traveled from Haley Station, Ont. to Gatineau, Que. I spent a good chunk of the day (sort of) relaxing in the van while Brett drove the van. The drive into the city itself was fairly interesting. We went through a couple of smaller roads that had substantially less traffic compared to the highway. As we entered Gatineau we found some pretty good bike paths that went throughout the city. Brett and I split from the Kelly and Vanessa when we reached the bike path. It’s somewhat frowned upon for a giant van to be on narrow paths meant for cyclists and pedestrians. After the biking was done for the day we stayed with Joanne Luu and Britney Earl, a pair of really awesome UofL alumni’s, for the night in Ottawa.
I’m feeling kind of sick today. I’m not really 100% sure why. I think that it might have been due to something that I ate from the Ark themed restaurant or it could be due to my overall poor diet on the bike trip. It’s probably not that good to have Chef Boyardee as a major staple of my diet.
Day 42
Date: July 31st, 2008
Current Location: About 7Km’s from Haley Station
Today we traveled from Stonecliffe, Ont. to a campsite about 7Km’s from Haley Station, Ont. The drive today, like yesterday, went fairly smoothly. The shoulders were pretty narrow and filled with gravel like they have been for the last couple but the other drivers were pretty good. It seems that the shear amount of drivers on the highways had increased quite a bit.
We ended up staying in a really interesting biblically themed campground. The campground had a waterslide, a restaurant shaped like an ark, a petting zoo, a lake and mini golf. Because it was a Christian campground, it had some pretty strict policies about conduct. The rules ranged from swimming attire to use of firearms and explosives. One rule stated that “no person shall bring into or have in the park any explosive substance such as fireworks..., dynamite, or rockets.” The campground also had a rule stating that “no person shall carry, possess or discharge firearms of any description."
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Day 41 (with ducks)
Current Location: Stonecliffe, Ont.
Date: July 30th, 2008
In all honesty, today was a rather boring day. We traveled around 130KM’s from North Bay, Ont. to Stonecliffe, Ont. The drive went fairly smooth, in the sense that nothing bad happened (the ride itself was rather bumpy). I guess the highlight of my day was seeing a bunch of ducks near my tent this morning. At the bottom is a video of said ducks (I can’t believe that I actually put the video on You Tube).
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Day 39
Location: Greater Sudbury Area
Date: July 28th, 2008
Today we traveled from Spragge, Ont. to some random rest stop in the Greater Sudbury area. We couldn’t find a campsite so I guess we’ll be sleeping at a public rest stop tonight. This will be the first time that I’ve ever slept outdoors on public property. Hopefully, I won’t be attacked by a bear in my sleep. Knowing my luck, if I were to see a bear it would probably slip on something and break its leg. I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m some sort of reverse good luck charm for bears. Something bad seems to happen whenever I’m near one.
Day 37
Current Location: Sault Ste Marie
Date: July 26th, 2008
Today we were off to a bit of a pretty slow start. We had to go to the emergency room in order for Brett and Vanessa to get a prescription for their “superbug.” It ended up surprisingly taking a really long time to do this. I ended up taking a nap in the van while Kelly and I were waiting in the visitors area. Following that we went to an A&P to stock up on food. For those of you that don’t know, A&P seems to be the big grocery store in eastern Canada. I know that this might sound a little silly but I really miss buying my groceries from Save-On-Foods. I haven’t used my Save-On card in weeks.
After we were done shopping at the A&P we biked for about 50km and then went back into Sault Ste Marie. After getting a campsite and eating we went and saw The Dark Knight. I had some freakishly high expectations going into the movie. To my amazement, it actually exceeded them.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
It’s a wise idea to invest more than $25.00 on a tent (Day 36)
Date: July 25th, 2008
Current Location: Sault Ste Marie
Today we traveled from Montreal River Harbour to Sault Ste Marie. It was a really rainy day. It seemed like at some points it was raining cats and umm ... bricks. Because of the rain I have come to the conclusion that there is a reason why one should be wary of spending only $25.00 on a tent. This morning when I woke up I was welcomed with a good dose of rain. Sadly my tent isn’t particularly adept at protecting me from the elements. When I woke I noticed that a puddle of rain water had formed on two sides of my tent. The bottom of my sleeping bag and a good chunk of my foam mat were drenched.
Later on in the day when we reached Sault Ste Marie, I asked Vanessa if I could borrow her spare tent for the next couple of days. She kindly said yes. Her spare tent like my tent was worth about $25.00. When Brett and Vanessa went into town to do get checked up at the hospital, it began to rain. When they left, I immediately went into the other tent. At first everything was going well in the tent. It seemed like it was doing a good job of sheltering me from the rain. Then I noticed a leak at the seams on the side of the tent. Then I noticed a leak on the other side. To make a long story short, the new tent was just as bad as my old and my sleeping bag, foam mat and clothes were drenched with water. I think that I might invest some money in a new tent. Perhaps one that is worth more than $25.00.
Day 35
Date: July 24th, 2008
Current Location: Montreal River Harbour
In all honesty nothing really particularly interesting happened. We traveled from Wawa to a village called Montreal River Harbour. We began the day by going to Tim Horton’s and taking a couple of pictures in front of a giant statue of a bird. The terrain for today was a bit rougher than it has been in the last couple of days. I noticed a bit of an increase in the amounts of hills. Also the highway that we were driving along was adjacent to Lake Superior, so we ended up having a really nice view of it for a majority of the trip.
Nothing good seems to happen when I see a bear (Day 34)
Date: July 23rd, 2008
Current Location: Wawa
Today is the third time that I’ve seen a bear on this trip. Like the other two times, I really wish that I hadn’t. About an hour after I woke up, I saw, the Australian biker, Rob point to something that was walking along the street. At first I couldn’t recognize what it was. All I saw at first was an OPP police car. Then I noticed a black bear walking along the street. The officer in the OPP police car then in front of the bear and honked at it in at an attempt to scare the bear. After the honking the bear left. Rob and I then went to the officer and asked him what was going on. He told us that he was trying to scare the bear away and that it was becoming more and more common for bears to enter the city.
About twenty minutes later Rob noticed that the bear had come back and was rummaging thru the dumpster. Moments later the OPP officer came back. As I was talking to Kelly I noticed that the officer had pulled out a rifle. After pulling out the rifle he shot at the bear multiple times. I wasn’t really sure what happened to the bear but I assume that the officer was using lead bullets rather than rubber ones based on what we heard from townsfolk. It’s kind of weird to see a bear get shot in the birthplace of Winnie the Pooh.
Following the bear incident we went out for lunch and then we began the cycling for the day. The weather was fairly hospitable and the biking for the day went rather smoothly. At the end of the day we ended up finding a pretty nice campsite in Wawa.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Day 33
Date: July 22nd, 2008
Current Location: White River
Day 32
Location: In a campsite about 20 KM’s north of Marathon
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Day 24-26
July 15, 2008
Current Location: Ignace, ON
The last couple of days have been gone pretty smoothly. So smoothly that I can’t think of anything that really happened that is really particularly interesting. The weather has been fairly eclectic. At some points it was really sunny and at others it felt like it was raining cats and umm... bricks. We’ve been getting quite a dose of sun, rain, lighting and wind. Luckily, we haven’t experienced a freak snow storm yet.
I got my first experience with black flies (aka Simulium Yahense) when we passed the Ontario borders. I was briefly out of the car stretching when all of a sudden a swarm of them tried to eat me alive. It was like they were flies crossbred with piranhas. After trying to brush them off I quickly ran back into the van and closed the windows. After closing the windows they still tried to get into the van. They kept on flying into the windows even when I was going 30 km/hour. I guess that they were hungry for Chinese (worst joke ever). I very much dislike flying insects
The terrain in Ontario is quite a bit of a change to the prairies. Lots of hills, trees and rocks. The drivers in Ontario have been fairly good so far. A lot more friendly then I was expecting.
Currently we are in a small town called Ignace in Ontario. We're staying in a campground/laundromat. The owners of the place seem to be really nice. We’re also camping with a fellow biker that we met yesterday in Dryden tonight.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Day 22
July 11th, 2008
Current Location: Portage
When I woke up this morning my head was hurting. Not from a headache but rather from me accidently slamming my head on the lower roof of a five year old’s bunk bed (the roof is around 1.5 feet from the mattress). I think that I was in the middle of dream while sleeping when cell phone alarm rang. After hearing the alarm I instinctively rose up. While rising up my head collided with the beds roof. It really hurt. I wonder if the bunk beds box had any warnings about adults sleep in them.
After the collision, I walked outside to wake up Kelly and Brett. When I was outside, I realized that the cover on top of my tent (which I had set up the night before)had flow on. My sleeping bag, pillow and foam mat was in what seemed like a small pond of rain water. This isn’t partially the best way to start a day.
Today, Brett was on his bike again. It’s the first time since his injury, that he rode a full day with the rest of the cyclists. I was really glad to see him riding again. There was a pretty good tailwind (wind blowing the cyclists forward) throughout the day. They surprisingly ended up biking over 200+ KM.
Day 21
On our way to Brandon we reached the point in the highway where the paved shoulders were replaced with gravel ones. When we reached that point we began to be extra cautions. Kelly and Vanessa had to bike on the edges of the right hand lane while I had my driver side tires on about ¼ of the right hand lane and the rest on the shoulder with the hazard lights on. For the most part the drivers on the highway were being pretty good. They all immediately changed lanes when they saw the van. When we were about 50-60KM’s away from Brandon we decided to stop for the day. The wind was being really horrible and Kelly and Vanessa were biking around 10KM per hour.
After we stopped biking for the day, we packed up the bikes and drove to Brandon. Bob Coney, who does PR for the University of Lethbridge, arraigned for us to have dinner at his friend Cathie’s resultant. It was a really cool ice cream parlor/burger place called Tastee’s Ice Cream and Grill. Cathie was really nice. As we were eating dinner she kindly offered to house us for the night. We gladly accepted her offer.
She lived in a really nice house around 20 KM’s from Brandon. Initially, we had all set up our tents and we were all going to campout in her backyard. Then Brandon and its surrounding areas were hit with a rather severe thunderstorm. Vanessa and I decided to stay in the house while Kelly and Brett decided to sleep outside and brave the elements. Instead of sleeping in a tent outside, I will be sleeping in the lower part of Cathie’s five year old son’s bunk bed.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Day 20
July 9th, 2008
Current Location: Moosomin
This morning when I was waiting for the group on the highway a kind couple offered to give me a ride. I think that they thought that I was some sort of hitchhiker. This is the first time in my life that I’ve ever been mistaken as a hitchhiker. I was kind of flattered that they offered to give me a ride. I know that this sounds kind of bad but most of the time I just ignore hitchhikers on the road because they make me kind of nervous. I blame this on the movie The Hitcher(the one that was made in 1986 not the 2007 remake staring Sophia Bush).
Sadly, I had to decline their offer. After meeting the group in White City, we went off to Moosomin. On our way there we stopped briefly in a really cool 50’s styled dinner. The dinner was filled with coke memorabilia and collectibles. The food was pretty good and the owner was really nice. He tried to sell us a limo that was made in 1987. It was once owed by a funeral home and an old-timers hockey team. If I had a larger disposable income I would have seriously considered it.
When we reached Moosomin, we found a pretty good campsite. It was for only $18.00 and it had a small manmade lake. The only downside is that it was littered with mosquitoes. I’m glad that I drenched myself with a can of Deet. For some strange reason my tent smelt kind of funny. I tired sleeping outside but I was attacked by more mosquitoes. Then I eventually went back to my smelly tent. I plan on washing it tomorrow or at least drench it with Febreze.
Day 19
July 8th, 2008
Current Location: Regina
Today was a pretty interesting day. We went to a small town called Rouleau. This is the place where the T.V series Corner Gas is filmed (as least the exterior). We took a couple of pictures and did a bit of sightseeing. I found out that the building that they use as the Food Mart in series is actually the office for an orthopaedic surgeon and that the Dog River Police Department is actually a gift store. I’ve never actually seen an episode of Corner Gas so I didn’t really appreciate it as much as the rest of the group.
When we reached Regina, I was dropped off at my grandparent’s house. I spent the night in Regina while the group biked to White City. This was so that I could spend my extended family in Regina. I ended up walking around downtown Regina for about two hours. It was nostalgic walking around my old childhood neighbourhood. After that I went and visited a couple of aunts, uncles and some old family friends with my sister and my mom. I ended up spending the night at my grandparent’s house.
Day 18 (I dislike places that do not offer 225/65R16 type tires)
July 7th, 2008
Current Location: Moose Jaw
Today was a somewhat frustrating day. The day had begun pretty well. Our host for the night, Anne made us a pretty good breakfast in the morning. After that we left for Moose Jaw at around 8:30am. We were going at a pretty good pace when all of a sudden the rear wheel of the van got flat. After changing the tire, we drove to Moose Jaw to find a replacement for it. We initially went to Kal Tire. They were the tire store that were told to go if we ever had a flat. Then it turned out that our tire type was too new and thus they didn’t have one in stock (we’re driving a silver 2008 Dodge Caravan). Then I phoned a couple of tire shop
Monday, July 7, 2008
July 6th, 2008
Current Location: Swift Current
Today we traveled from Gulf Lake to a town called Herbert (well sort of). After reaching Herbert we ended up driving 50km back west to Swift Current. This was so that we could stay with Maureen Schwarz’s mother, Anne. She was a really nice host. She expected us to come to come the following day, so she was caught a little off guard.
Alberta’s roads > Saskatchewan’s roads.
I have come to the conclusion that the roads in Alberta are far superior to the roads in Saskatchewan. Brett and I had a really bumpy ride following Kelly and Vanessa on the shoulders of HWY 1. The shoulders were covered by a surprisingly large amount of dead mammals and bits & pieces of destroyed tires. I have also come to the conclusion that people tend to exaggerate about the flatness of the roads of Saskatchewan (but I might be biased due to the bumpy roads).
Day 16
July 5th, 2008
Current Location: Gulf Lake
In comparison to yesterday, nothing particularly interesting happened. I had a really goodnights sleep and Brett’s grandma made us a really good breakfast. In the morning, for about 15 minutes we were all frantically looking for the van keys. I checked inside every cushion and I unpacked all of my stuff looking for it. We ended up finding the keys in my jacket. That should have been the first place that I should have checked. Oh well.
The drive went off fairly smooth. We found an outlandishly cheep campground in a small city called Gulf Lake (sadly the city doesn’t lake anymore). It was only $10. The sad thing about this is that despite the outlandishly cheap price, there was only one other group of campers. Kelly and I ended up talking with manager of the campsite of awhile. She told us about her grandchildren and gave us a brief synopsis of the history of the town.
Day 15
July 4th, 2008
Current Location: Medicine Hat
Today was a pretty interesting day. It was the first day in over a week or so that Brett wasn’t with me in the van. He had to meet with his acupuncturist and doctor. He eventually met up with us later in the day in Medicine Hat. It was kind of weird driving by myself again. I ended up listening to my IPod for most of the trip. I listened to 62+ Modest Mouse songs.
Adam Vossepoel, Brodie Pattenden and Chris Courtney joined us for the trip to Medicine Hat. Adam and Brodie are from the University of Lethbridge Students’ Union and Chris is from Alpenland. Today was the longest bike ride ever for the three of them. All three of them broke the American century mark of 100 miles (160ish KM’s). I was really impressed by the three of them considering that none of them had really trained for the bike ride. I think that I would have been done after 30 km’s (I’m disgustingly out of shape).
While on our way to Medicine Hat we briefly stopped in a small town called Burdett because we saw a vintage Canadian military vehicle riding along in the parking lot for a store that sold John Deer machinery. It was a really old APV (armoured personal vehicle). The six of us and the gnome ended up taking a group picture on top of the vehicle.
We ended up staying with Brett’s grandmother when we reached Medicine Hat. She was a really nice host. Kelly and I stayed in her basement and slept on some fold out couches. Later in the night, I explored her basement and found her art studio. It was really cool and I was really impressed. I later found out that the house was decorated with her pieces of work.
Day 10-14
June 29th – July 2nd
Current Location: Lethbridge
The last five days have been very pretty good. On the 29th, we traveled from Creston to Cranbrook. On the 30th, we traveled from Cranbrook to Sparwood. On Canada Day, we traveled to Lethbridge. The driving has become more routine over the last couple of days. Like last week, Brett has been with me in the van. We’ve both been taking turns driving. On the 30th, I spent the day relaxing in the passenger seat while Brett drove the entire day. The weather on the 29th and on the 30th was blistering hot. There’s nothing like being in a giant metal box parked on asphalt in +30 degree weather. In an attempt to conserve gas and money, Brett and I tried to use the A/C as little as possible.
For the most part we haven’t been having as much issues with the bikes as we were before. We’ve had a few flat tires but overall things have been good. Hopefully this trend will continue.
We managed it make it through most of B.C without rain surprisingly. We didn’t get our first drop of rain till we were leaving Sparwood on Canada Day. We didn’t get heavily rained on (the cats and dog variety) until we reached Fort Macleod. We somehow managed to avoid the brunt of the storm that flooded Lethbridge (unlike my parent’s basement and the UofL gymnasium).
I was really happy when we finally reached Lethbridge. I could almost kiss its wet soggy soil. We ended staying in town to rest for two days.
On July 2nd there was a free BBQ in the atrium for the bike trip. It was really something to see 200+ people waiting in the atrium for the free food. Bill Cade and Kelly both gave a brief speech to those waiting for food. We got a really good reception from the people from the crowd. I ended up seeing a surprisingly large amount of people that I knew there. I didn’t really do anything particularly interesting over the two days. I spent a majority of the rest days doing errands and some other stuff for the Meliorist. I also watched Batman Begins again. I’m really looking forward for The Dark Night.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Day 9
June 28th, 2008
Current Location: Creston
Like the last couple of days, Brett rode with me in the van again. It was a really hot day and I think that I’m starting to get a tan on my left arm. We ended up finding a random waterfall in the highway and we used it to cool off. Kelly and Vanessa went up a mountain that seemed to far worse than the Anarchist Mountain. The combination of the extreme heat and the fact that the mountain had a summit of 1774 metres made it hard on the bikers. We ended our day in Creston around 6:30pm. To my surprise we found a fairly decent campsite in town. I was expecting that we would have to sleep in the van tonight because I figured that all the campgrounds would have been booked due to the fact that it was a long weekend.
Day 8
June 27th, 2008
Current Location: Fruitvale
For the most part I have nothing against birds but this morning I wanted to Opie Taylor them this morning (this is a reference to the Andy Griffith Show). They woke me and I think pretty much everyone in the campsite at 4:00am. Brett rode with me again in the van and like yesterday nothing really particularly interesting happened along the way. After reaching Fruitvale, we found a campground that was only charging $14 a night. The campground was a bit unkempt and was littered with mosquitoes but the owner was really nice. The sad thing about the site was that I think that at one point it was a really nice campground. It was large and spacious and had a really amazing view of the mountains.
Day 7
June 26th, 2008
Current Location: Christine Lake
Today I had Brett driving with me in the van. Besides for that nothing really partially interesting happened along the way to Christine Lake. Brett ended up seeing a massage therapist in Grand Forks. While this may sound a little silly but I was a little disappointed that I didn’t see a giant oversized statue of a fork in the city. While to the best of knowledge such a monument doesn’t exist, I was secretly hoping that it did. If Medicine Hat can have the world’s largest tepee why can’t Grand Forks have the world’s largest fork? The city is known as Grand Forks not Sans Forks. Despite the lack of giant oversized forks, the city was very nice. I really liked its downtown. For a city with approximately 4,000 people, it had a really amazing downtown.
After getting through Grand Forks, we eventually reached Christine Lake. We ended up finding a really nice campsite right by the lake. While Kelly and I were trying to get a better axe to chop wood for the campfire, the owner of the site offered his assistance in making a fire. His way of assisting us involved drenching the wood with enough gasoline to power a small fleet of cars. I’m exaggerating a bit but he did soak the fire wood with a huge amount of gasoline. According to Kelly, the look on face when he threw the matches on the wood to start the fire was priceless.
June 25th, 2008
Current Location: Rock Creek
This morning we left Osoyoos around 10:00am. I am glad to tell you all that there were no complications from the fall down the small hill from yesterday. Immediately after we were out of the city limits of Osoyoos, we were at the footsteps of Anarchist Mountain. Apparently this is a fairly well know mountain for bicyclists in B.C. The bicyclists and the local residence also refer to the mountain as “the Antichrist”. After finding out the nickname and reputation of the mountain I was a little nervous for the cyclists. I wasn’t particularly nervous for myself because I’m just have to put my foot on the peddle (although I did have to hit the acceleration peddle a tad harder up the mountain).
The mountain ended up not being as difficult as everyone was expecting. While still difficult all the bikers made it to the summit in one piece.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Day 5
Day 5
June 24th, 2008
Current Location Osoyoos ( Oh-Soy-oos)
Today ,like every other day that we’ve had on the trip, we had some technical difficulties. When Vanessa was riding her bike through the highway, one of her tubes in her tire exploded. After Brett tried to change the tube in the tire it exploded on her again. Afterwards we went to a tire shop in Princeton to see if we could get it fixed. We ended up finding out that it had an unrepairable tear through the seams and that it was essentially destroyed. I ended up having travel to a small town called Oliver to find a replacement tire for her. Vanessa and Brett ended up having to ride the tandem bike again. After a day’s worth of biking we eventually reached Osoyoos. For the third night in a row we ended up staying in a camp ground. This was a massive campground (at least massive when compared to the two campgrounds that I’ve only been to in my life), with a hot tub, games room and more than 300+ lots. During the night when I was trying to navigate myself from the patio from our campsite I ended up falling down a small hill. It was really dark and everyone had their lights turned off.
Day 4
June 23, 2008
Current Location: Princeton, B.C
After Brett got his bike fixed, we ended up traveling a quite a fair distance. We ended up reaching Princeton, B.C. For the second night in a row we stayed in a campground. The camp stove that we had bought in Chilliwack two days before began to try to burn us. There was some sort of defect that caused it to shoot out flames from its side and not through the actual burner. So Kelly and I ended up having to make rice for dinner. The only really weird thing about this was that we made it inside a bathroom using a rice cooker. At the time, the bathroom outlet was the only one that we could find.
Day 3
June 22, 2008
Current Location: Hope, B.C
Yesterday we traveled from Chilliwack to Hope. We took primarily back roads to avoid driving on HWY 1. The trip out of Chilliwack was really nice. It was the first day that Brett and Vanessa were riding their own separate road bikes. Prior to that, they were sharing a massive tandem bike. This was so that Brett could rest his sore knee a bit more. Due to the sheer size of the tandem bike and Brett only using one leg to peddle, it resulted in a slower speed. After the two of them started to use their road bikes, we began to pick up the pace a bit. We ended up traveling a pretty decent distance considering the fact that we started around 1:30pm.
On our way out of Hope we had some technical difficulties that slowed us down a bit. This seems to be a recurring theme on the trip so far. Brett’s spokes and back time were somehow messed up and we ended up having to stay in Hope longer than we would have liked. We ended up staying in a really nice and rather cheep campground. It was the first time that I’ve ever gone camping in my life. We camped in front of a river. Overall it was a pretty fun experience, better than sleeping in front of a Wal-Mart.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Day 0-3
On Thursday, we spent a good portion of the night driving from Lethbridge to Victoria. We
Yesterday we traveled from Surrey to Chilliwack. We took Highway 1 for a bit and then we used a bunch of back roads to get there. The back roads were really nice to drive through. For
This morning while everyone else was still asleep in the van, I went for a walk around Chilliwack. The city has some really nice views of the mountains and I really enjoyed the fresh air. I've taken a whole bunch of pictures of B.C and of "Gnome Chomsky" .